Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,

I recently purchased some Cardas Golden cross sepaker cables. They replaced my Dh Lab Q10s. I replaced the Q10s because i was getting some upper mid freq brightness.
I have Golden Cross interconnects from preamp to amp and from cd player to pre amp. The sound is very smooth and detailed .The bass and mid bass is not as authorative or as tight. The highs are better - more detailed and smooth.
The problem is the sound is almost too smooth the bass is kind of rounded off now .The sound is less dynamic.
My Question is.
Is there an interconnect that could give me back that great bass and dynamics of that i had with the Q10s, without the harshness i was getting. I think i would like to keep the Golden Cross speaker cables and try changing the ICs. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
@ waxwaves, Very cool write up!, good or bad!, you need the Taralabs the one a/c power cord!, I did tell you that from the beginning!, for your amp, Thou the Decade can handle your amp!, I did tell you up-front it did not have the bass or body!, every thing else sounds great, remember me telling you that!,, sometimes we have to bite the bullet and spend more money on a cable waxwaves!, thats if you want to use Taralabs!, you have alot to catch up too!, there has been three people between the two threads that have full loom Taralabs cables, from the one on down with good effect!, they love them!, and have had the set-up a very long time!, Happy listening!
@ Isochronism, The reason I asked if you have tube products, Is most likly you would know about tubes,LOL!, I would like to know if you know of any digital players that are none 6h30 tubes players, that use a different type tube all together that can be run direct to amplifier?, and If not, do you know much about modright?, Do you think it may be possible for a mod company like Modright to modify An Ayon 2s player that uses the 6h30 tubes inside to be reworked to use a different type of tubes?,, thanks, Cheers!
@ Grey9hound, Hi, I met the criteria for return shipping on a triple layerd box with all reuseable material!, Krell thought because of the box was smashed down, they have to charge me $300.00 dollars for their box made for the 700cx!, believe me when I say this!, I bessed them out and told them that was B.S.!, that their box will smash down when they use my rachet tiedowns to return my amp!, and, BTW, they was not going to use my skidd or my tiedowns!, I told them to listen and listen good!, I said, My shipping carrier that I use, Is where my return addresse is for my amp, will in no way accept eanything thats not on a skidd and tied down with rachet tiedowns that is heavy electronics!, And I told them, under NO circumstances do you attempt to send my amp back without it back on my skidd and useing my rachet tiedowns on the amp to the skidd!, I told them of the story from last year, when ups smashed multi-thousand dollar speakers in my moms driveway!, the dealer gave me a refund and then the dealer had to sue ups!, I never got any speakers, just my money back!, that said, Krell said they will do as I asked them, or I will not have them ship the amp back, LOL!, they use ups!, thats why I have them taking the amp to my carriers Dock!, Krell is going to do what I asked they said!, and, At the last moment before shipping back, I will make sure of this my self!, they destroyed my shipping material just to charge me the $300.00 dollars extra!, you better believe for that kind of money, I will use that made for the krell 700cx box 4-ever!, cheers!
@ grey9hound, Hi, what is your thoughts on my last post to you?, Thankyou Grey9hound, Happy listening!
Well, I am glad you got them straightened out . At least it seems so. I still would not let them charge me $300 dollars for shipping material . As much as you will have to pay for the repairs , that should be included ! They sound like a bunch of greedy bastards to me . That really makes me turn against buying a KRELL. That is the other thing that you should tell them. Tell them that you ahve posted your bad experience with Krell on Audiogon for everyone to see.
Tell them that you are going to post for everyone to avoid Krell. Tell them that you will post that you think they are a rip off, and that you will recommend that everyone avoid them at all cost .
THAT, I promise WILL get there attention. Well at least it should. If it doesn't, then there are a bunch of pompus assholes, which may be the case anyway.