Interconnects and non-believers

For anyone who denies there are differences in cables, I have news for you.
There are vast differences.  I just switched interconnects between my CD transport (Cyrus) and DAC (Schiit Gumby), and the result was transformational.  Every possible parameter was improved: better definition, better soundstaging,  better bass, better depth etc.
I can’t understand how any audiophile with ears can deny the differences.  Is it delusion or dogma?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrvpiano
clearthink still can’t think clearly, but he’s clearly as argumentative as geoffbait.

As I said, and is obviously in need of repeating for clearthink - maybe he is suffering from emotional depravations that incline him to argue instead of listen and discuss (if he did, he might be inclined to ask why someone would prefer a Koetsu in many listening situations instead of his van den Hul, arguably one of the most analytical cartridges out there) - my opinions are of my own, and not those of my company, audiogon, certainly not of my wife, lol... etc etc

btw since you made the claim about a scientific test of the Koetsu that somehow makes it such a poor cartridge, please produce the test. Not that it matters: I'm sure there are tests that I could pull that would refute it, not that I have the time to do that mind you.
unreceivedogma"not that I have the time to do that mind you."

Of course you do not have the time you are too busy with your charitable efforts to support the poor, the downtrodden, the disadvantaged with your donations rather than spend time, money or effort on your Music Reproduction System it is increasingly obvious that you are another of the second or third grade "grammar school" children who show up here every so often to instruct others while you pretend to be an adult but it is obvious that you are anything but that! It is so unfortunate that you will probably not read this because you are "too busy" for us but school will let out for you soon, right?
uberwaltz"Can't we all just get along?"

There are some disturbed people here they do not want to "get along" they want to insult us for spending money on our Music Reproduction Systems rather than support they're charitable causes such as helping the poor, the downtrodden, the disadvantaged as they do because they think they are superior to the rest of us!
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