Internally Balanced cables supporting AES48 Standard

I am looking around for a Balanced cable to run a long line, maybe 20+ feet, from a preamp to the amp. I am looking to make sure the preamp supports the AES48 standard.

So looking around A’gon for some recommendations lead me to some manufacturer sites to check out prices. I was confused to see cable configurations where you specify length and XLR or RCA termination. This lead me to think these cables are NOT internally balanced and definitely not supporting the AES48 standard. So no way I would want to run long line with these cables.

Anyone recommend some balanced XLR cables that are truly internally balanced for me to run long runs. I think these are such cables,

Some info on AES48

@yyzsantabarbara ,
I know that Ralph(Atma-Sphere) can provide a suitable cable, as he supplied me with a 24 foot run for my MP-3. (And, they weren't expensive).
Though, I would find it strange that a balanced cable- that is, balanced to balanced, not be wired to support the AES standard. Of course, if you went from RCA to balanced or vice versa, all bets are off.

Perhaps Ralph will find this thread and give his opinions. I do know that he believes any cable that supports the AES Standard should not imbue any coloration/artifacts to sound reproduction, so spending more on a cable should not yield a 'better sound.

It was Atmasphere’s comments to me on some thread about component placement (he keeps his gear far from the speakers) that led me to look into AES48 compliant gear.

I do have some experience with AES48 gear, which was the Benchmark DAC3 HGC and the AHB2 amp. I tried various Balanced interconnects from a $60 25 year old from Bryston to Audience Au24e and I could not tell any difference. However, with other non-compliant gear I thought the Audience was better. So I am kind of a believer about AES48 though not the most scientific testing.

That is a good idea about contacting him for a cable.

It looks like I will be able to hide my system in a "closet", behind a small wall, with the system inches from my seating position. This is important to me as I have become incredibly lazy to get up and walk the few feet to my current system position. Long interconnects enable this laziness and more importantly allow me to clear the space between my speakers. A remote does not work for all my components, such as tuner.

Though, I would find it strange that a balanced cable- that is, balanced to balanced, not be wired to support the AES standard. Of course, if you went from RCA to balanced or vice versa, all bets are off.
My understanding after looking at a few cable manufacturers ordering web sites is that some of them take the cable and then terminate the ends with the users choice of XLR or RCA. So in that context I do not see how a cable could be declared as INTERNALLY balanced.
 I agree, those cables that go from XLR to RCA aren't going to be AES48 compliant.
If you want to go from XLR to non balanced, a Jensen transformer/adapter(or something similar) would be the way to maintain AES continuity. Though I might be wrong.
Once again, a question Ralph would be capable of answering with any certainty.
Regarding component placement...
I have all my source equipment located away from my speakers (thank the Gods for remote preamp control). But, my amps(monoblocks) are right behind the speakers. So, my speaker cable runs are quite short.

I can also add the Anthem STR Preamp as supporting AES48

Sorry for the delay, please see attached. We do have this!

Andrew B. | Technical Advisor | Paradigm/Anthem Support Team
On Tue, 5 Nov at 3:25 PM , Anthem <> wrote:

Let me check with my engineers, I will get back to you when I hear back.

Andrew B. | Technical Advisor | Paradigm/Anthem Support Team