Internet cable

We are building a new cottage. I dedicated 2 x 20A circuit for the audio system, will put all motors, dimmers, LED lights on one leg of the panel. The other leg will have only stereo and regular plug. I would like to know what Internet cable to use from the entry point of the cottage(cable box) to my audio system. Any suggestion is appreciated. Thank you, have a great week-end.
Sorry for the late response I was away for the weekend.
Thanks Erik I will use CAT 6a. I have fiber coming to the cottage.

CZARIVEY what is a dedicated internet signal for audio. Is it another hard line?
Thank you.Robert
Supra lan cables are an incredible value.  Just bought 30m for less than $300 at madisound.  I a/b tested it with $1000 jcat lan cable and preferred the Supra.