Intro to Tube Amplifiers

I am looking for a Tube amplifer with at least 50 watts power. Are there any good products at a reasonable price (under $1000)? I currently have a home theatre receiver which performs great for movies but lousy for music. Looking at Tubes as an alternative power source.

Showing 1 response by albertporter

Sound Valves made pre assembled and kits of 40 watt mono blocks that were very good sound, certainly in your price range and very reliable. The EL34 tubes they use as outputs are plentiful and inexpensive as well as easy to change the sound of by the brand you choose. I use Sound Valves in my surround sound system, they are running along side of Viva SET's and Atmasphere OTL. Surround sound allows more diversity in equipment choices than strictly high end two channel, and with surprisingly good results.