“Invest” in Tekton?

I’ve been a member of Audiogon for a while but haven’t really had the need to utilize the forums until now... I’ve perused the forums pretty extensively the past couple of days but haven’t really found my specific question.... First some background: I’ve had my current system for quite some time (PSB image: 5t, 9c, 2b, subsonic 6; Denon AVR3311 as preamp; and a NAD T955 amp) and have been pretty happy with it... yes, I tend to hold on to my stuff for a while.... I recently decided to explore the option of upgrading/updating my speakers and was pretty interested in some midlevel stuff (SVS Prime, Emotiva, PSB X2T, Paradigm 8, 9, or 10 something…) but ultimately decided the $2000-$3000 price tag wasn’t worth the investment as they were all roughly in the same league as my PSBs... Somehow, I stumbled upon the review of the Tekton double impacts... don’t even know how I found it but there I was... I kinda chuckled to myself when the reviewer started comparing them to $20,000 speakers and then started calling them better at some things... I was a little pessimistic about the review because in my aforementioned research every speaker was the greatest thing since sliced bread.. (To be honest, in my eyes, the professional reviewers lost some credibility because every speaker was just great, couldn’t find a bad review no matter how hard I tried...) Anyhow, the comparison to speakers 7-10x in price piqued my curiosity so I started snooping around for any Tekton reviews I could find and lo and behold, everyone loves them and the comparisons to speakers multiple times their price were plentiful. Ok, so the Tektons are good and now I’m more interested than I should be…

So here’s the rub… I’ve never even considered spending $5000-$6000 on a speaker system (5.0-5.1). Never in my wildest dreams… I’ve always had a theoretical limit of $3k and never gave anything above that a thought. Along comes Tekton with speakers that are in the 5-6k price range (5.0-5.1) but are being compared to speakers $20,000+ and the fact people are putting them in the same league as speakers in that price range, and saying they are better in some instances, is intriguing…

So here’s where I am asking for some assistance. It seems the Tekton lineup is a unique opportunity to acquire reportedly superior sonic performance with apparently unparalleled value. However, $5-6k is a TON of money in my world.. It won’t break the bank but admittedly, it bends it pretty significantly and spending this kind of money on speakers definitely wasn’t a consideration even a week ago… Personally, I am seeing this as a once in a lifetime purchase (am 43 and would expect these to be the last major speaker purchase of my life) but I do need to justify to my betrothed. My original sales pitch to her included the analogy “it seems they are selling Lamborghinis for the price of a Mustang…” and “I really don’t think there will be another opportunity like this” (when did I start selling timeshares???!!!) There are other barriers with her as well (e.g., “They’re how big?!”) but she does have somewhat of an understanding of how much I like music and stereo stuff.. somewhat…

So my actual questions:

  1. To those that have actually heard the speakers, (transducers?)… do you really feel they are leaps and bounds better than typical speakers in the 3-6k range (generally speaking…)? For comparison, I liked the SVS Ultras but due to price and size (yeah, I know how big the Tektons are..) I put them in the “maybe someday” category. To be clear, I’m not asking is “x better than y?” but rather “Do these $3000 speakers really belong in the same class as $20,000 speakers????

  2. In your humble opinions, is this really a rare/unique opportunity with unparalleled value that is a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” or are situations like this (incredible value for the money) more common?

  3. I can’t even claim to have a basic understanding of electronics, I’ve read up on ohms and what not and my eyes glaze over.. I spoke with Eric and he, without hesitation, stated my NAD T955 would be plenty sufficient to run whatever options I went with. Thoughts? I intend on using the NAD until it dies (hopefully no time soon) and will deal with next steps when the time is right…

  4. I am super nervous about ordering something so expensive unheard, If anyone is interested, I would like to have a discussion relating to my type of music and listening environment/levels.. (not including in this post to keep size down..)

  5. Any other relavant information I haven't considered, particularly in the area of justifying a purchase such as this?

There are probably 100 other little tidbits I could include in this but I am trying to be as brief as possible and I still wrote a novel… Anyhow, any productive assistance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

I don't think that I would call the DI's a 20 to 25 k speaker beater in general.

But me and my wife did take a small trip to a out of state dealer to listen too a pair of magico Q5's that were a demo pair.We listened too them for about 1 hr or so and we brought with us 6 records that they let us use.They do have a excellent build quality,but I decided to think about them and look at other speakers.Then I started reading about the DI's and thought,sure a lot of hype about these but I would like a pair anyhow.Even though I have only had them for 2 days I truly love them better than any speaker I have ever owned in the 30 yrs that I have been in this hobby.My first big speakers were a set of Khorns with mac amps.

With all that said I guess,in my situation they did beat 24k speakers,even though I would have payed cash on the spot for the magico's,I strongly felt that the overall Sonics were only 3 to 5% better than anything I've owned or heard.You have to ask serself is it worth it.I'm just a working guy too and the diff. in money is going to be better used going into my retirement account.

The playback of music is and always will be highly subjective.

I have taken many chances in gear purchases over the years,mostly for the good and I really don't stress about it.I took loses recently on a pass xa30.8 and a first watt j2.Even though these are really good they did'nt better my ref600m.It's just part of the chances in life that we take sometimes.If I don't buy and try I might not have the opportunity to ever try diff. gear and then I would always wander.We have no dealers in my state they are average home theater.

In the meantime I'm going too enjoy my new Di's,They are simply that good.


Of course you have to be nuts to drop big money on a speaker you never heard.
That said, pair of 700$ Rega RS-1's monitors will show the difference between a pre
and amp costing 4k and a Lamm setup costing 80K . And anything in between . Tried on my uber-rich buddies system several times because he
didn't believe it , he does now .
Amps trump(no pun intended)  speaker every time . At least on acoustic music .

thanks everyone so much for chiming in.  So, here's what we have learned (I think..):

1. People strongly recommend auditioning (an obvious consideration if I do say so...).  Anyone live in Colorado and have some Tekton Double Impacts, Electrons, or Enzo 2.7s lying around and willing to hang out for a lil bit???  I'll being adult beverages!!!

2.  People aren't necessarily a fan of their other models, Luckily, the ones that got "poo-pood" aren't on the list!!!

3. Those that have heard/own the DIs (and a vote for the Electrons) feel they are pretty amazing overall and seem to recommend them without hesitation at their pricepoint but seem to stop short of calling them $20,000 speakers..

4. Gear better than my current situation is strongly recommended, but not necessarily an absolute requirement.

5. Did I miss anything?

By all means, keep the comments/recommendations coming!  I'm definitely of the mindset that having a larger sample size yields more accurate data..

Thanks again!

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The magic is the tweeter array.  So I would disregard comments about models that do not incorporate this feature.  After all, the OP was curious about the DI's, not lesser models

The best component to build a system around is the speaker. 

I totally agree that you must try to hear them if at all possible. If that means risking return shipping etc. it is still wise to take them on a trial basis. Good Luck

Completely agree with those who suggest listening first. Buying without listening is like a motor vacation without a map - exciting, but expensive.
Totally agree with posts above. Speakers are SO subjective. I would really try to find a pair to listen to before you make a purchase. Even if it means making a weekend trip. Having said that, the Tektons do not appeal to me, but neither do Legacys, PSB, Paradigm, etc..
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I guess to clarify, I am looking at:

Double Impact - kind of a pipe dream based on my circumstances but you never know..  obviously these are what I was alluding to in my original post and I have been known to make sacrifices to get what I want.. (anyone have a goat they need taken care of for a while??)

Electrons - definitely interesting but very similar pricewise to the DIs 

Enzos (both old version and new) - more realistic pricewise and am in the process of gathering what info. I can.. (I can only do so much research per day!!!)

My experience with Tekton was similar to that of Stereo 5's.  I'd heard so much hype about the Lores and Mini Lores.  I finally had a chance to hear the Mini Lore.  I don't know if my expectations were too high, but I walked away wondering what all the hooplah was about.  It was an okay speaker, but nothing to get excited about.

 Thanks for the input.. Regarding the pendragons, If I remember correctly from a thread somewhere (quite possibly here within audiogon) there was someone else not too impressed with the pendragons... As it stands, those are not on my list...

Enter your text ...


you know, through all of my research there wasn't really any mention of the impacts (non double...)  I've seen them on the website but that's about it..  thanks for commenting


I'm sayin' !!!  I wish the reviews had a little more.. context I guess, for lack of a better word...  I don't like how a entry/mid/high level speaker can all receive the same 4.5-5 star ratings..  Off the top of my head something like the same ratings systems they are using but adding a bronze/silver/gold level to indicate the different levels of gear would be most helpful.  for instance (again, off the top of my head): PSB X2Ts received 4.5 stars within the silver category indicating yes, they are very good at the silver level but by no means are we saying they are as good as Superduper speaker ABC which received a 4.5 at the Gold level..  I'm sure a lot of people can read between lines just fine but with the praise being given to the mid level gear it blurs the line with the high level stuff...

re: your comment "I do think that for $3000 you really can’t go wrong and most likely would not do any better. Now are they $25,000 speaker killers? Well you see my skepticism."

that's the kind of information I am looking for, thanks

I bought a new pair of Tekton Pendragons (2500.00) September 2015.  After 10 days of listening to them, I had had enough and sent them back.  I didn't pay a restocking charge, but the 295.00 to ship them back really caught me off guard.  Everyone raved on and on about them.  In my room and system, it sounded like lo fi junk.  I got absolutely no bass from them and I was driving them with a Parasound Halo Integrated that outputs 160 wpc into 8 ohms and 240wpc into 4 ohms.  I saved a little more money and bought a pair of Golden Ear Triton 2 speakers.  Very happy now.

Hey Kenny,

I have some questions that I would like to ask you regarding some of your comments.  Would you mind if I sent you a pm?

Yes yes I read the same. The Adagios were upgraded with better caps only....Mundorf Supremes. He liked the AZ better due to its more natural warmth and improved meat on the bones. Both of these things are very, very important to me. 

I own heavily upgraded Crescendo speakers with every cap and resistor upgraded with Jupiter and Duelund level parts. They are so beautiful sounding and exude natural warmth. I concede the Tekton speakers may be more resolving, but at what price musically? Interesting.  
FWIW, there was a user on another forum who bought the Impacts based on all the hype, but ended up sending them back.  He preferred his Acoustic Zen Adagios.
Love your post! I am thinking the same thing about over the top reviews. I am now deaf to them and question how long this particular speaker will be a darling. I continue to read about them, but have not heard them as yet. Too many have cried "fire" in the past and no fire was there.

I don’t doubt the owner comments or the integrity of the professional reviewer, but the fact is all the passed hyped reviews have impacted many of us in this hobby. Hard, no nearly impossible, to put much stock in these reviews any longer. I seriously doubt the DI speaker sounds better than the AZ Crescendo ( as one review states) in the areas important to me and others. I just doubt it. Goodness I so dislike typing these words, but just being honest about the state of industry reviews and hype.

I do think that for $3000 you really can’t go wrong and most likely would not do any better. Now are they $25,000 speaker killers? Well you see my skepticism.

Love to hear them, but the cost is too high to return if I don't like them. Both the monetary and hassle factor with such a large speaker. 
The di's are a speaker that could be put into any modest system and still sound fantastic.They have good enough bass that I don't have my subs even on.
I moved back too 2 channel from full blown home theater about 9 yrs ago,we don't miss it a bit.

This a speaker that a person could easily build any kind of system around, It's that good.This is the first and only tekton speaker that I have heard,some of the smaller ones do look interesting though.

I use a pair of bel canto ref600m amps with a bel canto pre3,with a ps audio direct stream dac and a Wilson Bensch circle turntable with a zyx cartridge.But if I still had only My Simaudio Intergrated I'm sure I would still be happy.I owned and used the sim for 18yrs and just recently sold it.I have a smaller 2nd system where my older gear usually ends up.

Ive been blessed with lots of very good gear over the years and wish the Di's would have around 25 yrs ago.

It's all about the music for me,and I hope I helped you make your important decision.



thanks for the input and will be interested to hear your impressions. I imagine you have a list of components that are pretty spiffy?

Chayro:  Thanks for the response.  Totally agree hearing them is the best option but short of driving to Orem Utah not much of an option as 15% restocking fee at $5,000 = $750...  Ironically, I saw they (Tekton) will be at a convention in LA in June and I will miss them by 1 day... 

As for sound quality, note I wasn't asking about that as I understand all of the concepts you presented (took great pains when writing the post to avoid doing just that!) just wanted to know if people really felt they were that good.

Hi Walter,

Thanks for chiming in!  I'm an analogy kinda guy so it seems you are saying I am putting some monster truck tires on a regular pickup?  I hear you on that and am totally on board with the concept of system balance.  I was already wondering that myself (which is why I am asking the things I am asking)...  My first clue was seeing everyone's set up and they are all talking about amps I have never heard of and here I come along with my NAD... Not that there's anything inherently wrong with it (I do love it) but yeah, different leagues...  What Tektons were you thinking of?

I have already put together various packages with/without a sub. 
I talked to Eric and he initially recommended the DIs but also recommended the Electron and Enzo 2.7s for my purposes.  However, by the time you put together a 5.0 or 5.1 there is only about a 10% difference between the DI pkg and the Electron pkg. As for the Enzos, it's a little harder to calculate (can't determine if the pkg does/does not include a sub among other variances) but there does seem to be some savings there...

Hello All,
Now I completely agree that you always need the best upstream components that fit your budget and system synergy also always comes into play as well.I was looking to upgrade from my Zu Def's and I also had a pair of Janzen hybrid Valentina's that I recently sold.
About a month ago me and my wife took a trip too visit a magico dealer and demoed a pair of the Q5's that were a demo pair but at the top of my budget.After a 1 hr or so listening session my wife asked me what I thought about them and I told her I liked them but I think I will think about it.

Then I started reading all the reviews about the Di's and thought I will buy a pair and see.This is my first day with them and only a few hrs on them.But I can already tell these are keepers and these are the best sounding speakers I have ever owned in my 30 yrs in this hobby.

I will write up a full review in about a week or so on the other thread.
If you have any specific questions about them feel free to ask.

I'm usually not impressed with most gear especially speakers but these Di's are truly special all hype aside.

The only way you can figure this out is to listen to them and see if the added expense is worth it to you.  Whatever somebody else thinks is meaningless.  You may not like this answer, but that's what it is.  
I believe Tekton offers a return period, so I suggest to take advantage of it.  Remember, it's not just whether a speaker is "better", it's how the speaker works in your room and with your equipment, not in some perfect theoretical space that doesn't exist.  
My two cents...

You want system balance. Regardless of how good the speakers are, they are only going to sound as good as the rest of your system permits. You might be better off getting  some Tektons a bit lower in the food chain and using the balance of your money upgrading your source or electronics. It's all about the whole system, not any one part of it.