Is a audiophila suicid to ship 150lbs overseas ?

Will it be a nightmare with high risk of vacuum tube breakages ?
The haulier will be airborne and not the "famous" UPS !
Would appreciate your experinece with delicate stuff shipped like a 150 lbs amp.
I always use a wooden crate and surround heavy equipment on all sides with three inch square dense foam cubes. The cubes cost $30.00 for 300 of them and have never failed me. No cutting or shaping necessary-just make a foam floor, set the equipment in, and fill in the edges. Hey Subaruguru-just hold on for three years-with luck, your daughter will regain her sanity.
I get them from a local supplier who bags them on an intermittent basis. Evidently, they are left over from a manufacturing process. If you or anyone is interested, I will drive by and pick up a set and forward them to you. You can send me e mail through Agon.
There is no reason to suspect that someone that loads stuff on and off a plane that is going overseas is going to do anything differently than if the plane is flying locally is there? International flights don't do sommersaults so far as I know. I certainly haven't experienced any difference.