Is a cable cooker worth it?

I have heard many good things that a cable cooker can do to improve a system, but I am wondering at what point the expense of a cooker is worth it? Alltogether, how long must I burn in my cables, via system play, before they are good and hot as opposed to the expense of buying an Audio Dharma cooker and having near instant results? I don't know where I fall in terms of mid to high end audiophile, but I calculate that by the time I get all the components that I want for my system, minus cables and extras, I am approaching $8500 bucks(only components). So, is a cable cooker worth it for someone like me?
Come on, you must be kidding!!
I have used the Acoustic Zen and Pure Note and many many others, on my AudioDharma Cable Cooker with always a highly postive result.
In fact, I re-cook all my cables for a day once a quarter to keep them at their peak.
Perhaps the worst that can happen if you "overcook" is it might take a few hours for the cable to sound right again.
If you are dealing with Designs and compatibility issues and do not have time to wait for breakin you better believe they are worth it!

I just orderd one from Hagerman which might not be exactly what I want,but I will it will help till I build one.

As cable resolution increases the problem of break-in becomes more severe. Our most recent power cord uses a technology so advanced it can not be broken-in by conventional means. I think this is the tip of a very large iceberg.
Jim Hagerman has an inexpensive cooker out. FOr those on a budget it might be worth it.