is a center channel really necessary??

I am currently redesigning the family room and have the option of installing a 5.1 system but have always been a 2 channel kinda guy. I love films and music equally, but assuming a fixed budget, may $4K, I know I could get a killer 2 channel setup but just a mediocre HT. MOst films I like aren't effects type, but I am concerned about hearing dialog clearly.

How much does the center channel matter?? Won't a set of good monitors image well enough to handle the dialog??
Like many of you, for my non-audiophile friends I am the go-to guy for all things AV. For those with no existing infrastructure in their homes I set them all up now 2.1 for home theater, spending more money on better front speakers, and a good sub. None of them have been disappointed.

If they are already wired with rear channels, we do 4.1 using the crappy, in general, speakers that are usually in the ceiling.

I nice reciever, or better yet a good 2 channel preamp, is much better to me than any 5.1 channel set up. Don't really need the center channel.
I got rid of the center channel on my hybrid home theater (4.1) 2 channel (actualy 2.1) system -- using home theater bypass on preamp to connect a pre/pro to the stereo pre-amp.

Never looked back. Didn't miss it. Now that I have separated 2-channel listening from home theater (the systems are in separate rooms), I still don't use a center channel with the home theater systm and I still don't miss it. And I love the simplifcation in terms of fewer cables, less cabinets taking up space, etc.

However, I care more about music than movies. I think a real HT buff would never want to be without a center channel as it does create better separation of dialogue from background sounds and soundtrack. For me, that small (to me) benefit is not worth the extra hassle and cost. For you it might be.

I would start with spending more money on your L/R main speakers in a hybrid system. See how well it does on movies. Then if you really feel the need for a center, get one (hopefully with a trial period) and see how much it improves things. You may be delighted with it, or you may be delighted to skip it.

In my case I bought the center first, and then, realizing I didn't need/want it, I sold it. But at a substantial loss.

Good luck.
You need a good DSP with phantom and you can get away with 4.1.

You really can't get away with anything less.
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...I am concerned about hearing dialog clearly. How much does the center channel matter?? Won't a set of good monitors image well enough to handle the dialog??

You are quite right that a good set of stereo speakers will easily image well enough to anchor dialogue where it needs to be - on the screen. However, good imaging does not have much to do with dialogue intelligibility, which you mention as one of your concerns. In light of that, you might want to consider that a dedicated center channel will often help with dialogue intelligibility, among other things.

Without a dedicated center channel, you will typically be listening to a 2 channel "mixdown" of the 5.1 soundtrack. Unlike the 5.1 soundtrack, which is the result of highly skilled rerecording engineers working hundreds of hours, the 2 channel mixdown is largely the result of a "one size fits all" software algorithm. Because of this, mixdowns are often flawed, and poor dialogue intelligibility is a common problem. Also, without a dedicated center channel, you will typically not be able to control the RELATIVE LEVELS of dialogue vs. music/fx, which is a major determinant of dialogue intelligibility.

Having said this, your limited budget would go much further if you stick to 2 channel. So, to me, both solutions involve compromises. I just wanted to mention some of the benefits of a dedicated center channel, particularly for someone concerned with dialogue intelligibility.