Is Agon becoming the eBay of audio?

I realize that this has been dissed before.
FWIW I'm a regular window shopper on Agon and have noticed a trend by sellers to misrepresent their wares and disregarding Agons condition rating guidelines in higher frequencies.  More listins stating item as"new" when item is obviously not and asking for top dollar. As of late for example an ad was placed for an item as "new" when owner admits that it is 1.5 years old and has at minimum 200+ hours of use. This in itself would be rated a 9/10 at best by the Agon rating system. Sellers are more defining and rating their product based on cosmetics than on functionality. For those buying it is increasingly important to do some deep research and close inspection of represenation pictures by enlarging available pictures to avoid disappointment. 
It is my opinion that buyers should not let emotions or immediate wants sway their common sense. At first sign of questionability be prepared to walk away.
Let the buyer beware

It's new when it's sealed in the box, period. If the box is opened, then it's virtually new, opened only to take pictures. If you bought it, used it a week, it's not new, period and it's 9/10. I've taken pains to represent everything I've sold accurately. Better to under promise and over deliver if you want a stellar rating. End of rant.
If everyone adhered to values such as integrity and honesty then we wouldn't be having this conversation would we? Values seem to be something that is devoid lately.......hmmmm!
I've been doing it for ~20yrs on Fleabay, and off-&-on  Audiogon for almost as long. About all we can do is stick to the guidelines & be as honest as you would want the other party to be. Communication is, of course, very important. Most on Audiogon seem truly interested in the hobby. Fleabay, not so much...
Being labeled as or becoming an Audiogon “ cop” is something the community of members trading here need not feel insulted by. In fact, those of us with 100% positive feedback ought to, with civility and good intention, point out to the sellers in question their mistakes/errors simply to better the overall tone and demeanor of the site.  

I have personally posed inquiries to a small number of classifieds where errors were glaringly obvious, in all cases maintaining a civil discourse. The only time I had a real problem with a purchase was with a seller who’s classifieds - and he still sells here - state shipping from a NY zip code when in fact the items he sells ship from Pennsylvania. (He has not changed any subsequent classifieds still.) His feedback is awful, which makes me wonder if there is a cutoff point at which a member is suspended or booted.

The feedback score is IMPORTANT as hell. I take mine very seriously. While none of my transactions are in the stratosphere, I have spent thousands of dollars with fellow members over the last five years. Parting with thousands of dollars within a community founded upon trust kind of bestows upon us all a responsibility to sustain the integrity of the site; if questioning a classified’s claims for the benefit of all members is being a “cop”, well...


There are a lot dishonest buyers out there as well. I've done over 2,300 transactions on Ebay and have met my fair share of them.