Is analog & vinyl anoying? Is it worht it.

Yeah it may be better than digital. But come on. 3K+ for a cartridge. Cleaning machines. Preamps. VTA adjustments. noisy records. expensive software. By the time you get it all set up you are ready to just turn on the tv and watch Sportscenter. Is there any alternative?
Hey cut Pauly some slack! He's only got into vinyl this century and he's still in the neophyte "I can't believe how good this sounds" stage. Give him some time and there is a chance that he might evolve to a more tolerant and open minded state of mind. I can only interpret his extreme statements in this post as a sign of his current immaturity. Remember, there was a time when all of us thought we knew everything.
+++ To suggest that anyone not willing to commit to analog music reproduction cannot be truly passionate about music is completely without merit.+++

I guess some could read my post and conclude that the intent was as you state above. These would be the same people that necessitated the 'content is hot' warning labels on Starbuck cups.

Thanks Tvad, I was going to respond to Pauly's ignorant point of view but you go there first.
My daughter listens almost exclusively to music on her ipod or car radio. While she isn't an audiophile by any stretch, to suggest she isn't a music lover is idiotic. I hear stuff coming from her room and ask who is that? Then I buy it.
LOL@Onhwy61. Nice try. I got back into vinyl this century. Besides my immaturity is psychological, nothing to do analogue.

6 months ago Paul wrote:
"I cannot really explain what it is about vinyl and to be honest, I probably wouldn’t be able tell the difference in a blind test. What I can say is that over the past three or so years I am spending more time listening than I ever have, so there must be something to it."
So you dont think you cant tell Vinyl from Digital, yet you can tell that people with remotes and no turntable are not "true" music lovers?