Is anyone familiar with the Ayre Dac??

How does it compare to others in the price category
Interesting responses. I also have quite a bit of Ayre gear, but I certainly wouldn't consider it warm as others above have described. If I were asked if there gear had a house sound I would likely say a very slight bit thin. I use an ARC DAC8 between my KX-R and C5 with excellent results, I occasionally use an I-Mac as a server into the DAC as well.
I have tried the Ayre DX-5 which is their flagship. The dealer told me if I do not need the video part of it, the DAC part is similar to the QB-9 except that the DX-5 sports better components.

To me, the sound from the DAC section using USB link from a Mac Mini is very good indeed. Using 192K data rate, the sound can be described as dry with well focused soundstage, almost 3-dimensional.

I also compared it to my Bel Canto DAC3.5VB MkII using a REFLink as the USB input, optically coupled to the DAC on 192K data stream. The sound is sweeter but lacks the focus the Ayre has.

I am waiting for the Ayre DAC-R to be released, it would surely be a very interesting product.

I used Ayre KX-R and MX-R for amplification and Thiel 3.7 for my speakers. All interconnects and speakers cables are Silversmith Audio.

I don't know about the Ayre house sound, but the QB9 DAC as compared to many of the DACs out there is beautiful, slightly romantic and polite. All things that other people have said.

It's a fine sounding DAC, striking a nice balance between resolved and musical. For some systems, it may be just what the doctor ordered.

I've also auditioned or owned the W4S DAC2 (a bit on the bright side), PWD MK2 (smooth and undigital), NAD M51 (resolved, neutral, but not fatiguing at all, great direct to amp too), and a number of other DACs.

I'd put the PWD MK2, Ayre QB-9 and NAD M51 all in the same class. Their appropriateness separated mostly by personal preference and system synergy.

I'm a big fan of the M51 right now. I've never really thought too much of NAD components, but the M51 has really changed my mind.
I know I'm going off topic, but I had to comment on a post above that states the DX-5 is the flagship of Ayre's line, it is not, it is a Blueray player that sadly missed the mark when it came to an audio player. The C5 is still by far a better sounding machine.
Audio, I think you should try the REFLink with an AES Silversmith cable to the DAC3.5VB MKII.

I suspect that might beat the ST connection.