Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?

The RMAF begins on Friday. Will anyone attend?

I was referring to seperate Pre and amp due to release in November 2017.  IMO, the seperate sounds much better than Integrated, plus chassis finish is a step up as well.  

The amp and pre retails for $6k and $4k respectively. 
Two left ears 
On Friday I was there. I saw and heard new speakers built in Kentucky designed and spec'd by Ryan of Vapor Audio. There sounded very good with Exogal amps.
Duke Lajune of Audio Kensis had some excellent speakers driven by just a modified pioneer receiver. It had amazing dynamics with regular listenin levels and good lack of distortions that make listening to some pro speakers hard for me.
I got to go now but will mention some more thoughts later if you want.
Just spent the day at RMAF. I would never bash a manufacturer for poor show sound. So I won't. Best sound by a decent margin was the Nagra suite. All Nagra electronics driving a pair of Wilson Alexia 2s. Rich, engaging, detailed music.
"I would never bash a manufacturer for poor show sound. So I won’t."

Whatta gyp. :) lol
