Is Audio nirvana real?

I think it is.  I m finally happy with my system! I'm done!
*L* The only time(s) I've been paranoid about my system is when I've hit the switch(s) and nada occurs...  Then you go 'noid into the WTF zone....

But I guess that's why it's called a 'surprise'....*G*
Finally. A combination that I can live with for a long time. 7 years changing  gear at a pace that was dizzying at times. I have have enjoyed the chase now back to the music. Nirvana is real if you want it to be. 

3,848 posts
08-31-2016 6:42pm
For me, YES, it is real!


calvinj OP
1,048 posts
08-31-2016 8:53pm
Finally. A combination that I can live with for a long time. 7 years changing gear at a pace that was dizzying at times. I have have enjoyed the chase now back to the music. Nirvana is real if you want it to be.

At the risk of beating a dead horse can I suggest audio nirvana has very little to do with the equipment per se and everything to do with how the system is put together, how extensively and effectively the room is treated and how many tweaks are administered? 
