Is Bryson BDA-1 still up to date.

I am looking to upgrade my DAC and am considering a BDA-1. I know this is a couple year old design. Is this still a good option or is there something better out there in the under 1500 used price range. I have a MHDT Havanna Dac now and want to keep some of the sweetness with a bit more detail.
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If you are basically happy with the sound, I would try some cheap tweaks before switching. In my experience, placing components on cones or other hard footers tend to lean out the sound slightly, which may be what you are looking for. Cleaning up the midbass often gives the impression of more clarity, but possibly at the expense of fullness. You might also try a different IC, if you have several around, as most people here seem to.
I am not going to be using the USB so I guess the Bryston could work for me. Anyone have experience with the BDA-1 to give their experience on the sound?
I had a Wyred DAC 2, which I replaced with a Bryston BDA-1 (after getting a Bryston BDP-1). I find the Bryston to be slightly more forgiving than the Wyred, while the Wyred is slightly more resolving. I can listen to an Andrew Bird cut on the Bryston that I couldn't listen to on the Wyred. I believe the Wryed's best feature is its USB response. I like the Bryston better for CDs.
I don't own the BDA-1, but I've heard it extensively. If I had the funds, I'd buy it without regret. But I own a Bryston B60, so of course I'm biased. As was mentioned earlier, the only 'out dated' thing is the USB is limited to 44.1 or something similar. Most others are too though.

If you have a local dealer and they don't have a BDA-1, ask to hear the BCD-1, as they sound very similar.