I use Squeezebox Touch for example and started out with .wav for several years and recently converted to FLAC. I do not hear much difference there. I'm pretty sure SB system converts .way source files to lossless compressed .flac anyhow for greater bandwidth under the covers, so it does quite well with those. I am also hearing good results so far with FLAC and newer Plex system I have started to implement alongside aging Squeezebox.
Computer audio works with .wav but flac and other formats designed for dynamic tagging make things more fun and cut storage and network bandwidth requirements roughly in half, adding a lot of flexibility there as well. I do not anticipate ever going back to .wav, rather sticking with gear that works well with FLAC, like PLEX.
Computer audio works with .wav but flac and other formats designed for dynamic tagging make things more fun and cut storage and network bandwidth requirements roughly in half, adding a lot of flexibility there as well. I do not anticipate ever going back to .wav, rather sticking with gear that works well with FLAC, like PLEX.