Is D for Dry? Class D...

Class D sounds dry and lifeless... thats all, carry on
Bondmanp wrote:
"My back and I love our Class D Arion Audio S-500 amp."

(Sorry, I haven't mastered the art of quoting on this forum.)

I love bondmanp's remark, because it sums up how everything is a trade-off. I have a Yamaha AS-501 integrated, in large measure because it's about 25 pounds and that's my upper limit. But I'd love more power! And Class D seems the only way for me to get that without injury. Is it everything sonically a powerful A/AB amp would be? Maybe, maybe not. But the powerful A/AB amp is not an option. I am more and more intrigued by the world of Class D.

@chronicle... I went from a trouble-plagued but highly regarded class a/b amp that weighed 64 lbs and was rated at 150 watts/channel to my Arion, rated at 500 watts/channel. In my case, this was no compromise for lighter weight. Dynamics, soundstage and especially neutrality all improved significantly. Best of all, a lower-treble/upper-midrange peak that could get nasty disappeared. For years, I thought it was from my room or my loudspeakers. But it was my "liquid sounding" Class A/B amp all along.  I have been digging my system with the Class D Arion amp for over a year now.  Absolutely love it.  I am fairly sure I could not beat it for the money.
@bondmanp Are you using the Arion S-500 or the HS-500? I went to their website and can't see the difference in specs between them. Also, what kind of pre-amp are you pairing with them?
Class D is a flavor I have yet to sample.  I’m still in the dinosaur Class A camp. Someday I’ll try Class D.  

   Will search for a close dealer, I love auditioning audio gear. 
      Bring in my own music, etc, and press play, sit back and sip my flask while listening.  I will be looking for a dealer!,!

    Thanks for the words!