Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
thks- No  never used the external dac outputs before- Just want to run server to external dac to DEQX( serving as pre) to mono block amps- thks
I have emailed Alan Langford & Kim Ryrie at DEQX that the image on p24 is misleading & it would be better to say ’Integrated amplifiers’.

The illustration suggests a DAC that will have a variable volume output (?) to a power amp maybe taking a direct digital feed. As the DAC digital output is presumably a fixed volume then this arrangement wouldn’t work. If the connection between DAC & power amps is analogue then I don’t see the DEQX volume control/remote having any effect either.
From page 20 of the manual, referring to the single digital output of the PreMate and PreMate+:

This is the same signal as provided on the Main Speakers analog output. It carries the corrected audio signal for the speakers, optionally with limit filters for subwoofer integration. It can be used to connect an external DAC instead of using the internal DAC of the DEQX.

I would infer from this statement that the digital output is volume controlled, as well as being subjected to all of the corrections and other signal processing that are applied to the main analog outputs, other than D/A conversion.

I’ve never used the digital outputs of my HDP-5. But what I’m wondering is **if** the PreMate was purchased used, and **if** the previous owner was just using it for subwoofer duties, he may have disabled the main analog outputs in the configuration he set up. Which presumably would have also disabled the digital output, given the paragraph I quoted from the manual.

In that case a computer would have to be connected to the DEQX and the calibration software would have to be used to revise the configuration.

Best regards,
-- Al

Good point Al, I think you must be correct (I was imagining a variable output digital signal might overload the inputs on an external DAC).

I use the digital pass-through from my HDP-5 to HDP-3 & of course it does control volume although all corrections & processing for the -3 in this case require a separate USB connection & a different .mzd file. Only one processor connected to the computer at a time of course!
guys thanks- Hooked it up the way I thought it should be and works fine- Thks again