Is elliptical the best stylus profile

In my experiences, it seems that elliptical shaped stylus track better and pretty much have the same amount of detail that a line contact has, maybe a little less.  The difference, again in my experience is that the line contact needs to be set up perfectly for good performance.  How many of us are experts at setup.  Cartridge manufacturers, Why not just use elliptical shape and give everybody a break? 

Showing 2 responses by lewm

Dear tzh21y, I think most of us would agree that cartridges bearing elliptical styli are less fussy to set up and enjoy, but that is not what the hobby is about, for most of us. Most audiophiles want "better".  If X is good, then what is better?  So, there will always be a place for elliptical styli on midrange and budget brand cartridges, but likewise there will always be a market for the more sophisticated stylus shapes, on upscale cartridges.  There really is no conflict.  If you like elliptical styli, you are free to enjoy cartridges that use them.  High end cartridges bearing complex-shaped styli will also continue to be marketed just because audiophiles can be or are convinced that the sound reproduction thereby achieved is at least a little bit better.  That's capitalism.