Is Hi-fi getting more expensive?

When I first get into high end audio in 2003, $3000 can buy you a very good cd player. Now $3000 just get you started. All of sudden, most of the major high end cable companies all ask $10,000.00+ for their top of the line speaker cables. The economy is bad but you don’t see high end audio getting cheaper. The entry ticket to Hi-Fi is getting more expensive and Hi-fi is getting far away from average people.

I guess the reason is that if the economy is bad, less people buy high end audio. So companies have to charge more for each unit to cover their development cost, and even fewer people will buy their equipment. This will be a vicious cycle that never ends. I think some company should cut the price by 50% to break the cycle. I know there is lots of pressure for companies not to follow the price trend when one cable company list its cable for $10,000+. If you don’t follow it, people might think you cable is not as good as the high price tag cable. But if you cut unit price by half, your sale volume can go up to make up your lower price. Volume is important. Windows 7 is more complex and powerful than Sooloos, but why Windows 7 is $200 while Sooloos charge yoy $10,000? You can also look at computers, they are always getting faster and powerful while still keep at the same price point or cheaper. Once other companies see the benefits, they will join it too. Pioneer and Sony are not incapable of making great audio gear, they just choose not to because of the tiny market size. If big companies like Pioneer or Sony see there is a big market for high end audio, they will come and join the game.

I feel Hi-Fi almost double its price from 2003-2009.We really need some companies to take the first step(cutting the price) to break the vicious cycle. Now these days more people are listen to compressed music like MP3/ipod. We really need to find a way to attract more people to good quality audio to benefit all of us, otherwise we all lose in the end.

This might be my wishful/unrealistic thinking. People are welcome to share their thought.
Apparently the audio industry has concluded supply/demand doesn't apply to them. Personal ads, too.
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......okay I remember The Beatles on Ed Sullivan to give you a starting point. The other day in my office a recent college graduate and I were talking about music and he actually smirked as he said ; '' you still buy and collect CD's '' ? I smirked inside when I thought of that very same question that was asked of me about 1985 ...when I was still collecting albums when the person was referring to CD's !!!! Most of us are dinosaurs - we are a small group of people who don't listen to their music on iPods just to keep occupied.....or give us something to fumble with while listening because god forbid no one has twittered us, or emailed us or even worse yet... called in the last 5 seconds....but a group that still appreciates music, actual muscians who can play an instrument and who also understand that music is something that can touch parts of our soul - and take us to places that we have never been or can ever go back to - and we all do it in the comfort of our own living spaces. Yes - it is getting more expensive - it's called the scale of economics. No company is going to cut their prices in half - that would be suicide - it is a direct result of the cost of doing business along with a shrinking customer base - but there is still a demand for these high-end prodcuts buy a certain few buyers. That is what is keeping the stonger companies around but unfortunately keeps start up companies from possibly succeeding. I also think that is why this site in the 10 years I have been a memeber has witnessed such growth - because you can find high end products that were once untoucable available here at a good price - it's also called a little patience !!!!
Yxlei....$3000.00 can still get you a very good cd player.There is a lot of great equipment that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.It takes a little more time and effort to find it,but it is available.
Yes, Hi-Fi is getting more expensive, as is everything else. Hi-Fi is just following the economic demands, just like other hobbies. The middle class is deteriorating, the poor don't buy Hi-Fi, so Hi-Fi is targeting the rich more nowadays.

I also remember when I could afford to take the family to a ballgame.....ah...those were the days.
