Okay, just one more off topic/on topic comment for audiophile/old car guys:
(goes back to the early 90's) The Sunbeam Alpine has solid lifters that sound like a broken Singer sewing machine at cruising speeds. Then, I remembered I had a can of Acoustical Magic material that I used to dampen the vibrations of turntable platters on hand. So, I cleaned up the inside of the aluminum valve cover, coated it with this stuff and cured it in the oven for a couple of hours.
After reinstalling the valve cover and going for a test ride, the exhaust note(s) were louder than the sound of the lifters. A much improved driving experience.
And, yes, audiophile/car guys CAN successfully mention audio tweaks AND car tweaks in the same sentence.
@nonoise Must have been somenoise emitted from the exhaust of your project car? fyi- I used a Webber downdraft for the blow through turbo set up on my Alpine. Removing the choke, substituting plastic floats for the brass ones (they collapsed under pressure), rejetting, and filling in a few gapping holes did the trick.