Is it a Merger or Bust?

Home Theater from the 2 Channel perspective.

Consider a good Stereo set-up. Room and all. 
How do you get audio in without all the hoopla of a surround set-up?

Is it a Merger or Bust?
Well leave out the hoopla, and just hook up a stereo. TWO main speakers, left and right. Set up a couple of subs and go from there.

Make it simple..  I use two channels for everything.. If you want to listen to a recorded "live concert", works perfect.. 

Been a while for even 3 main speakers, for me.

For me... a trinaural processor was the best 3 channel.. set up I've heard.. Not a digital 3 speaker guy.. Analog is better..

That’s all great, but if you are like me, I detest and refuse to put my TV in between my 2 channel is probably over 85% analog use. So, not sure why ‘digital’ is any reason to go one way or the other.
My 2 channel line source feeds into my preamp-processor, the processor feeds into the 2 channel preamp. 
@islandmandan — why would you feed your 2-channel source into the prepro when the whole point is to keep the prepro completely out of the stereo signal path?

I'm thinking of adding a drop down screen and a killer projector to get video.  Then I start with just using my 2 channel system for the audio, and hear what I hear.  Like MC said.  The screen would only be down to interfere with the sonics when I'm watching something.
I tried it years ago. It seemed like a simple process to do. I put a 3 channel amp/processor in the tape loop of my 2 channel system. And, of course the rear and center channel speakers.

It was OK at best & complicated as he** to operate with the various remotes & routine to setup for home theater. My wife hated it because she didn't know which buttons to push and when. I was & am really more into 2 channel anyway. So I abandoned the idea a yr or so after setting it up. Now I just have 2 channel home theater when needed, most always for concerts. Much simpler. Sounds great with concerts.  We're both happy

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