As long as there are enough wealthy people with space to fill and who like expensive toys that will buy them, they serve a unique purpose and are not any more overpriced than a Ferrari, Lamborghini or designer watch. Or designer handbags and clothes for the ladies.
I am associated with a circle of guys who could afford any cost no object hifi crap, buy it and throw it down the drain, if they felt like it.. But, they are quite simply not as dumb as you think they are. For instance, they have a pretty good clue about what goes into the engineering/build of a F spider or a GTR for example. If some of y’all dealers with the lousy narrative ("if you’re rich, why not?") took a box with 4 drivers and said it is worth more than their car, they will throw you outta their houses.
Elon Musk will run you out of his house in a hurry if you said the polished box+drivers you sell is worth more than his car.
Some of y’all dealers (promo dudes) on this forum think you’re real flipping brilliant, smarter than all of us, huh?
No, you didn’t get anyone with half a noodle in his head. You got some dirty money though, if you indeed managed to sell a box+4 drivers that cost more than some guy’s Lambo...and I know something about the kinda guy who bought it.
Get a clue and try not to insult anyone’s intelligence.