Is it really night and day

I just read that someone went from a ARC ref-5se to a Ref-6. They claim it is a night and day difference. For some reason I find that hard to believe. I can see there being a difference but night and day to me is an exaggeration. I'll tell you why I think this way. I had an ARC LS-25 for about 10 years and I always thought It was a good pre-amp. One day I got a bug up my ass and decided to upgrade to a LS-27. 

While I will agree the 27 is better than the 25 I would not say there is a night and day difference. Now that is a spread of about 10 years in a model. So of course you do expect some improvements and I have received those. 

Now going back to the Ref-5se. I think it has been around about 3 years. Now they have the Ref-6. So in 3 years there is a night and day difference between the 5Se and the 6 but after a 10 year period between the Ls-25 and the 27 there are a few minor differences. 

I have often found that audiophiles drop off the "in" from the front when they use the word significant.
 Ihave had the pleasure of auditioning the ARC Ref3, Ref5 & Ref5 SE models.  The Ref6 is going to have to be very "special" to top the 5SE pre-amp.

I am not saying that the Ref-6 Isn't better than the Ref-5se. What I have a problem with is when they describe it as a night and day difference. 

I get get so sick of seeing these night and day references no matter what company they are talking about. It is Just a plain outright exaggeration.

Right On! taters.

I tend to agree that newer does not (always) equal better.
In my honest opinion . I owned the Ref 5 se for about 2 and a half weeks and the demoed the 6. Lets just say that i put my 5 se up for sale right away and bought a brand new 6. The 5 se is a very good sounding preamp, the 6 is like that but WAY more in every way you can think of the 5 se. It is so good i didnt want a used one. I wanted a brand new one from ARC. To me it was well worth the extra thousands. I love this 6 so much that for a single chasis preamp it will stay with me for a very very long time. And yes i totally agree that it a totally different preamp than the 5se. It is not even an upgrade to me but a totally different preamp.