Is it time to upgrade my amp?

Hi there!

I'm looking for some amplifier upgrade advice. My current system is:
Rega RP6 with Dynavector 10X5 MM (I intend to upgrade the cartridge to a Rega Ania Pro MC)
PS Audio NuWave Phono preamp (just received today and not added to my system yet)
Arcam FMJ A19 integrated amp
Audiolab 8200CD 
Monitor Audio Gold 100
I plan on adding a Cambridge Audio CXN (V2) soon.
Over all my system sounds great but a little harsh so I was considering upgrading to an integrated tube amp <$3k. I have considered, the Rogue Cronus Magnum 3, Sphinx V3 and used Cary SLI-80. None of which I can audition close to home.
Any advice on getting the most out of my system would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks! Chris
I agree with millercarbon and bluemoondriver. The biggest and best change would be to get the Tekton DI's. Leave the amp upgrade for later! 
Have those speakers ever sounded 'less/not harsh' in that space?

Do you have tone control anywhere? Tried cutting treble some?

You might consider trying tone control first, even temporarily, and find it's the speakers in that space are simply too bright, not the amp at all.

Some new equipment has tone controls with bypass.

Anything, especially these days, having a return option after listening in your space is important.

If a new item has no return, perhaps consider used, i.e. eBay, with return option.