Had to comment on Mr.ts response. I too had a system back in the seventy's that I felt was excellent and at the time was bowled over by it's sonic merits. But I think if we compared it today to my current system we would be quite shocked by it's deficiencies. You can never bring back the joy of youth and it's first experiences with things. It's kind of like that first great car we owned that is now a classic, if we drove it today after driving a modern auto, we would likely say " what a piece of shit".
Is it time to upgrade
I just got new Martin Logan Vistas'and a new Music Hall a70.2 integrated amp and all sounds real good.
But I am using a old Denon 1600 DVD-AUDIO for my CD player'It has the brown burr dac but is quite old now.
Would a newer CD player such as the oppo 95 or the new Rega apollo improve on the old Denon 1600 or any suggestions on a real nice CD player.The $1000 range is my price point/Thanks Bob
But I am using a old Denon 1600 DVD-AUDIO for my CD player'It has the brown burr dac but is quite old now.
Would a newer CD player such as the oppo 95 or the new Rega apollo improve on the old Denon 1600 or any suggestions on a real nice CD player.The $1000 range is my price point/Thanks Bob