Is Star Sound Technologies out of business?

I didn't know where to post this....I was trying to check out the audiopoints, but most of the Web site just shows the dreaded box with the red X, can't seem to open up the pages.

Are they gone, or is it just a server problem??

O.K. - must be something wrong with this computer I am using. I'll try again from home. Thanks!

Did you try a phone call before posting such an irresponsible thread title? There are plenty of ways to get the phone number and contact them in that manner. Why would you assume just because a web page doesn't open a company would be out of business? Thread titles such as yours do a disservice to companies because erroneous internet rumors are spread just by someone looking at the title of your thread.

A more appropriate thread title would have been- "Is Star Sound Technologies having server problems-tried for a few days now"?

Sorry for the rant but I find too many people assuming a company is out of business because a web page doesn't load or a phone isn't answered on the first ring.