Is the Eico HF 81 really that good?

I read about the little Eico integrated in Stereophile. They said it was incredible. Does anyone here have any direct experience with this unit?
Very good sounding small amp. If you can find a vintage dual concentric Tannoy speakers or Altec 604 you will be suprised how this little amp sounds.
I urge everyone who is interested in the HF-81 to try Pilot 602 receiver which has outraging bass and presence, at least on my Tannoy Arden II, MG III LZ, and even the low efficiency (read: 81.5dB/1 watt) Celestion SL700.

These two EL84 PP amps seem to have comparable output transformers and I suppose their sound should be similar. Not the case, to me at least. The Pilot 602 doesn't even sound close to the Fisher SA-16, a console amp from the 50's. The Fisher has thinner bass, though.
I had one for awhile, paired with Klipsch Cornwalls. Very open sound, but not enough "weight" in comparison to my Decware and Cayin integrateds. The phono section hums a lot too. I ended up trading it to a friend for EI KT90 quad, and other goodies.
I have one mated with some university 315c (like Altec 604s)... Doesn't get too much better and if it does one must ask themselves at what cost...
Can't speak for the HF81 but my HF35 6L6GC monos with new caps are outstanding. Lovely musicality, timbre, and delicacy and decent clean articulate bass.