In a nutshell these are my thoughts. The C7es3 is a very good speaker in its own right, but the M30.1 is simply better. The 30.1 offers much more refinement, delicacy and purity in the treble ranges. This is immediately obvious.Tobes, do you find the M30.1 to be more extended in the treble when compared to the C7ES3? I have listened to the M30 and found the treble to be less extended when compared to the C7ES3 and SHL5. The treble in the M30 sounded as if it is rolled off when compared to the C7ES3 and SHL5 which sounds airier and more open.
I am aware that the tweeter in the M30 / M30.1 is higher in quality than the C7ES3 and SHL5 Plus. This gives the treble a higher level of refinement(in the M30) but it seems to lack airiness or extension when compared to the C7ES3 and SHL5. I read the M30.1 is more open than the M30 and hope that the treble in the M30.1 is airier and more extended than its predecessor. Would appreciate some thoughts on this matter.