Is the Modwright for an Oppo udp205 worth it?

Thinking about getting the modwright for my Oppo udp205. Does anyone have any experience with it?
I have a 6SN7 tube preamp and after trying several NOS American tubes I hit on Psvane 6SN7's . Their black base model is available at a pretty fair price and should please you , IMO .None of the older tubes came close .
I too have been interested in the Modwright Oppo 205. In case you didn't know, there is only one review online of it:

The best rectifier for the power supply is the expensive Emission Labs
EML 5U4G. Sixmoons review of the Modwright Oppo 105 mentioned a large sound difference in it over the Slovtek rectifier.
Is there a site or place to order these tubes? I usually order from upscale audio but dont see them on there.
One other thing, if your interested in this rectifier, you will need to have Modwright make the rectifier slot on the power supply larger to accomodate the massive EML tube.