Is the upgrade from Scout 1.1 to the Prime worth it?

I know this is totally subjective. I am looking to hear experiences from anyone who has made the change as well as opinions on weather it would be a worthwhile/noticeable upgrade given my current setup.  Would the investment be spent better elsewhere?

Current system:
Primaluna ProLogue two (stock tubes)
Icon Audio ps1 MKII (MM only) reissue gold lion ECC83 tubes
VPI Scout 1.1 stock except for the counter intuitive 
Ortofon 2M Bronze
VPI 16.5 record cleaning machine 
I went from the original Scout to a Prime with no regrets.  Every aspect of the sound is better.
I went from the original Scout to a Prime with no regrets. Every aspect of the sound is better.

So it would seem the  consensus is that the prime is a worthwhile upgrade from the scout when talking about turntables. I still wonder if the rest of my system is worthy of the upgrade or should upgrade other pars of my system first?
How a about a cartridge upgrade? Seems like it might be an area of improvement. I'm sure it sounds good I just wonder if there might be another mm/mi that would be in line price wise with the rest of your gear. A Bronze on a Prime seems a little lopsided. Again though I'm just saying price wise. I can see you gave a Dyna 17d in your system a try at one point. I suspect you may  really like the Ortofon. If so forget everything I just said. 

A 2M Bronze, yeah a Prime can do much better. A Cadenza Bronze however, would be a sweet match.