Is the Vinyl Revival well and growing?

I never gave up on vinyl. October 1988, I bought my LP12. We were being told CDs were perfect sound forever. People were dumping their vinyl. Thankfully, I cleaned the best that I could find. Now, TTs at all price points are coming on the market. Is the the vinyl revival real and where will we end up?

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I am delighted that they are making equipment now that greatly improves the sound quality of CD's. Up until about a year or two ago, I listened to vinyl 90 percent of the time. I now listen about 50/50. Still though as prof & others have stated, vinyl is superior in my system & is my choice for serious listening. Funny thing I'm buying a lot of CD's now because they are so cheap & I'm hoping the equipment keeps improving at the rate it has in the last 5 years.   

I've never really had problems with CDs, myself.  Early on I used a Meridian 508.20 player and it sounded very nice and "analog" to me.
I eventually sold it when I moved strictly to streaming to my Benchmark DAC, and that has always sounded wonderful as well. (Though my CJ tube amps no doubt help with all this).
Good point prof, I probably didn't give it much of a chance up until the last year or two. 
My LRS is moving next Friday into a space that is 3X the size of their current space. They have a record store (vinyl only), a recording studio and a record label. They are doing very well and I wish them the best. They are GREAT guys and are very passionate about vinyl and recording/re-issuing quality ANALOG recordings. They are betting on the revival continuing and growing. I hope they are right......