Is there a better DAC than the Schiit Bifrost for $300?

I have a Schiit Modi 2 Uber as my DAC. I'm not completely dissatisfied with it but understand that it is low end and that there must be room for improvement. I've got a nice older system but I'm not a fanatic about SQ (yet). I could use the Modi elsewhere or sell it...although Schiit just came out with the Modi 3 so the Modi 2 Uber is only worth about $60-$70 now.

There are open box Bifrosts on eBay for around $330. They are $400 new.

My questions are:

Should I see noticeable improvement going from the Modi 2 to the Bifrost?
What if I just went to a Modi 2 Multibit at $250 new, $200 used?
Is there another DAC I should consider in the $250-$300 range?
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What amplification and speakers are you using? 

If you are not 'fanatical about SQ' yet why make a change at this time? 
@mesch When I say I'm not a fanatic about SQ I mean that I'm not inclined to spend thousands on a DAC. 

I might be willing to spend $300.

My amp is 250 wpc. Speakers are Aerial Acoustics 7B towers.
I have a Modi-2 Multi-bit (Mimby).  I think it sounds very good and is great value.  Sometimes the highs have a metallic glare, though.  A hi-hat can sound like air being released from a tire.

From the reviews I've read, it sounds that as you go up the line of Schiit DACS, the high's are improved - but most everything else is similar.  But for $250, the Modi Multi-bit is not a risky choice at all, IMO.

To my ears, the Mimby is better than the built-in ESS Sabre DAC that was built-in to my Yamaha integrated.  I think that was using the 9018 chip.

But, my CD player from 2000 sounds better to me than the Mimby.  It has two PCM63 chips with a PMD100 filter.  The highs are just as detailed, if not more than the Mimby, but not so pronounced.

I'm buying a new DAC early next year.  As of now, I'm interested in top or second tier models from Mojo-Audio, Metrum, Schiit, SW1X.

On the used market, old dacs like the Adcom GDA-600 or Parasound 1100HD can be had for around $200.  These have the same chips as my CD player.  I've read that the opamps and other components can be upgraded cheaply with excellent results.   I might do this, just to see how it would stack up to the Mimby and whatever I might demo, as well as a learning opportunity for me.


I guess if I had any criticism of the Modi 2 Uber that I have is that it is not as bright as the DAC in my Arcam CDP (which may have been too bright). It is certainly warmer.

So maybe a Modi Multibit would bring a little of that back but I'm fairly sensitive to too sibilant/metallic highs. So who knows.

Its funny, the Modi Multbit I was watching on eBay (new, open box....which is a joke of a description if you ask me) had a $170 minimum bid. Zero bids. $18 shipping.

Now it has a buy-it-now price of $221. With shipping that would be $239.

You can get a new one from Schiit for $250. I don't know what people are thinking. Maybe some rube will buy it.