But my wife control the supply money all my life because i dont have time or interest for money management and my only expanses were for books and music...
That's my situation too. As long as I can afford to buy what I want I have very little interest in money. From what I've seen in others, the chasing of wealth often seems to be a rather pernicious addiction that ultimately defeats it's original purpose.
In any case my wife will never stop me from buying something if I want it bad enough but she will ask to think about family priorities first.
And I do.
However, as time goes by and I see how fragile one's grip on life can be, I also recognise the folly of putting off one's wishes indefinitely.
I had been a fool all my life in audio matter ... But i learned that to be more than a passive consumers is the road to freedom and knowledge by acoustic basic EXPERIMENTS and experimenting with creative simple devices ( i never bought tweaks) ... This experiments i created for me dont make me the one and only wise dude here...
My experiences too.
We're not the only only ones of course. Folks like YouTube reviewer Andrew Robinson have openly admitted that after owning loudspeakers that cost well in excess of $20k (Revel, B&W etc) he has managed to find the same level of quality at much lower prices, and with far less disturbance to his mental health.
It's no surprise therefore that he considers himself a recovering audiophile.