Is there a good 5 disc CD player out there ???

I'm looking for a good quality 5 disc CD player. Something I could find on A-gon for between $4K-$5K. Any suggestions?
Thank you to all who responded. My wife will be happy to know I'll only need to spend a few hundred dollars on a replacement CD changer.
I will be putting a system together where, right now, a changer is a must have. It will be comprised of the Creek Classic 5350 SE, powering Epos 12i or Dynaudio Focus 110 or Nola Boxers, with the Marantz CC 4003 changer. I know the changer is the weak link in the chain. Spoke with Marantz and several dealers that carry it, and they didn't think it would embarrass itself. Might consider adding the Cambridge DacMagic. I'll keep you posted.
bear in mind that the transport has an ENORMOUS influence on the sound, and you will not get the full potential out of a good DAC.

I have to disagree with this. Charles Altmann insists that his DAC with JISCO circuitry can be used with any cheap transport connected by toslink and will sound as good as an expensive transport. I didn't believe this until I actually bought one of these DAC's and after hooking it up to my very crappy Samsung DVD player discovered that it bested my Naim CDS-3 by a sizable margin. Hearing is believing.