Is there a minimum length for power cords?

A cable manufacturer's website states the following:

"However, any length shorter than 1.8 meters (5.9 feet)will begin to degrade the effectiveness of the shielding and filtering capabilities; regardless of who is the manufacturer. Power cords are not like speaker cable and interconnects where shorter is better."

Does anyone have any thoughts or experience as to the validity of this statement?
Why would length make a difference whether it's a power chord or speaker cable?
"07-09-14: Yping
Why would length make a difference whether it's a power chord or speaker cable?"

With speaker cables and IC's, popular opinion is to keep the runs as short as possible to get the best sound quality. With power cords, some feel that the cable needs to be a minimum length to get the best sound. Personally, I find the idea plausible, but I don't feel I have the experience or the technical knowledge to make a recommendation, one way or the other.
Different lengths of power cord will produce different filter characteristics(combinations of capacitance, inductance and resistance which ALL cables have.)And this also depends on the type and configuration of the cable.
The best length for a given cable depends on a "CORRECT"
filter made of the cable parameters ( Example: Nordost recommends specifically 1.8 meters for one of their power cables to be best).If you don't have the knowledge and test equipment to measure(as most don't) Your only option is to try out,listen and use what sounds best to you. Jim C.
PS: Don't use AWG 18"Single Thin Wire" ones, even if they are pure silver! Use AWG 12 per leg at least, current and voltage transfer are what a power cord needs to do!!
High-end power cord manufacturers are in a bit of a pickle: if the power cords do everything that's claimed--that is, if they somehow make up for the "problems" in all of the wiring coming from your local power transformer to your wall socket--then why wouldn't a run of 2 feet, or 1 foot, or six inches (requiring only an el-cheapo extension cord) perform the same miracle, thus cutting down on the price of the super-expensive power cord material?

The answer is in the last phrase of the question.