Is There An "Absolute" Best Cartridge?

Dear friends: We can read through different threads/posts in this forum that people always want/ask to know for the " best " " audio item " that IMHO and till today does not exist in " absolute " meaning.
Well I already have and I'm " living " a unique experience that makes me to share with all of you what IMHO could be in Absolute terms " the best cartridge ever ".

Please read this Technics EPC-P100C-MK4 information that could help you for you can share with us your experiences/thoughts on the subject of this thread:

Thank you in advance.
Regards and enjoy the music,
Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Dear Raul,
first - what I meant with "physical presence" has nothing to do with the way a cartridge is able to express dynamic changes or amplitude.
It is a matter of energy transfer.
And it is a direct interaction related to the mechanical/dynamically match with the respective tonearm.
I gives the sonic illusion that the reproduced instruments or voices are "there" - with physical presence AND "real physical weight".

I am into this specific aspect of tone reproduction in cartridge/tonearms since a few years now and I have found this special quality to more or less extend in a very few low compliance cartridges only. One of them outperforms all the others by a considerable margin.
And this very cartridge has unique design aspects regarding cantilever, magnets and coil in combination with an unusual body.
No other cartridge is even remotely similar - neither in design nor in this specific aspect of reproduction.
In the "usual suspects" as dynamics, soundstage, color, detail .. etc bla bla... this cartridge is on a par with all the other great ones.
Clear, neutral, balanced.

In all respect, there is no need for me to re-audition the EPC-P100cmk4 - my sonic memory is good and my set-up 1992 was the equal to anything you find here on Audiogon or anywhere else today.
As I said - the EPC is good. Maybe it is very good. But it is not great - well, maybe for the price it is.

Take my word - what I mean with "physical presence" is something you hear with good 7.5 or better 15 ips 2-track tapes on Studer C-37 or similar (if you ever have a chance - listen to the great original 2-track tape of "L'historie de soldat" on a C-37. You'll immediately understand what I mean with "physical presence".

I have already expressed my serious concerns and reservations about your use with the phrase "the best" - which in fact was the only aspect that brought me into this thread. It wasn't the cartridge.
We simply have very different positions here and my concerns are deeply rooted in my humanistic approach and the abuse this specific term and its direct "offsprings" have created in mankind and our history.

It is not "us experienced audio sommeliers" who are able to discover or define what is best or great.
It is an individual search and an individual discovery.
Many uncertain souls however do ask for and look for guidance and an opinion- leader.
This is the point when people like you jump into place and action.
It is not your fault of course.
You are chosen by others.
Anyway - just a side-step...
Many of us do strive for excellence in their respective set-ups and within the parameters of one's specific taste, likes, dislikes and wishes.

Once you can agree that those aspects listed in the sentence above are NOT the same with all people you'll see that the phrase "the best" is - well - an illusion.
And a very dangerous one.

Lastly - never accuse me again of writing long posts.... ;-)...... you are outperforming me by quite a margin in this respect.
Hi Dertonarm,which cartridge or cartridges are the true great ones,in your opinion?Since you prefer the FR tonearm I guess it would have to be a heavy,low compliance MC cartridge?When is the last time you heard the Technics?If it was long ago and your system changed for the better,with a suitable tonearm maybe you would think the good sounding Technics now sounds great.Or maybe not.
Dear Raul,There is this German aphorism:'Gedanken sind Zollfrei' (the thoughts are duty free). Provided that they
are not loudly annunciated. We all have the same rights you know,the right to sleep under an bridge included.
You already got many appraisals from us so no need to do this yourself.
Dear Dertonarm: I now exactly what means "physical presence", you are not the only person that heard it through RtR.

The thread is not about you, here the subject is beyond you, me or any one else so don't try to follow your inferior " ego ".

This thread don't sale anything and unfortunatelly you can't take off your seller hat, yes IMHO you are part of the " cloudly " audio high end establishment.
Everybody nows that you sale vintage cartridges ( FR. ), vintage tonearms ( FR )/TT, transformers and the like and every word you posted ( one way or the other ) are " promoting " what you sale.

You are very wise about a good seller and nothing wrong with that but that attitude is not the one that I'm looking for in this thread.
You already take advantage on this thread to promote that " great " unknow cartridge and to put veils of " mystery " and put interest on Agoner's, this is the way you " action ": seeing in favor of you only and how make money easy money, like I say the " cloudly/bad " part of the audio high end establishment.

It is useles/futile to go on with when you persist with your seller attitude.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Syntax: I'm not reffering you , the statement: ++ It is their next one. "+++ in many ways goes against us customers.

I think that that fact could be change in the future for the better in the same " size " that we customers grow up on audio/music knowledge.

Regards and enjoy the music,