thanks for you reply.
my new cable box doesn’t have any analog outputs. (although my older one does, lol) my new cable box does have an optical output, though.
my plinius obviously doesn’t have optical inputs. so maybe ill look into the DA converter option you mentioned.
i wonder though, about what other processing would be currently going on inside my receiver, that would still be required besides just the DA conversion, band are there external DAC's that are made to handle this?
for example, i assume some audio sources will be stereo (ie. a news broadcast?) . while others would be multi-channel surround. as in movies?
so with nothing else in the chain but
my cable box --> optical out --> DAC --> Plinius RCA inputs,
Im not sure everything would sound correct?
I thought about going from cable box hdmi out --> right to my projector and that would be my first choice, as it eliminates an entire component that is supposedly doing nothing. but of course that only takes care of the video, and not the audio.