Is there anyway to convert a JL Sub to connect to Main speakers?

I am thinking of going straight from a Lumin X1 Dac/Streamer etc. directly to my main mono block amps, thus eliminating a preamp. I was very impressed with the purity of the sound  from the Lumin when running direct like this. However, I would like to incorporate my subs.

I have been told by Lumin that using the line level outs (XLR) for the main amps and the (RCA) outs for my subs at the same time will result in not so good of sound. I tried it, and though it works, the sound is not as pure as just using the one set of outputs for my mains.

Lumin suggested using Rel subs connected to the speakers/amps using the high level speaker connection.
But, I already own 4 JL Audio F-113 subs that only accept line (low) level connections.

Is there some type of converter that can adapt a line level input  from the sub to connect to the high level speakers?
Sort of like converting my JL Subs to the Rel design.


Thanks for the help, I reviewed and printed out that document.
Interesting, that it prefers shorter Balanced (XLR) output cables and longer input speaker cables.
I did order the Neutrik Speakon plug to attach to a set of speaker cables. But, there is also screw terminals in the back of the unit if one doesn’t use the Speakon plug.

I should have it tomorrow or Wednesday with return rights within 30 days if it doesn’t do it for me.

Ozzy, Any detriment additional processing might do, particularly digital processing will be made up for 10 times by the decrease in distortion to the main speakers and improvement in integration that a dedicated crossover allows. If you come off your streamer with a digital output to the digital input of the crossover you remain in numbers where there is no distortion at all. You just do your conversion to analog after the crossover instead of after the streamer. The way you are headed is the worst way to go but it is inexpensive and we are all entitled to make our own mistakes.   
You make a good point.
But, wouldn't I be listening to the sound of the crossover and not the Lumin X1?

Well I got the (2) Jensen Iso Max SP-2SX today.
I used a balanced 1/2M Wireworld Platinum Eclipse 8 to keep the XLR connections short as per the instructions.

First listen, everything seems to works fine, no hum, all (4) JL F-113 subs are working, but I will have to listen more intently to be sure and perhaps recalibrate the F-113’s.

I am really digging the seamless integration, everything sounds great! I don’t even have to recalibrate the JL- F113’s.
For those of you without subwoofer outs ( most of 2 channels folks) or use tube amps and want to add subs, this is the ticket.

The only negative is Jensen never replied to my emails, and I even left several phone messages. I even talked to a lady who said she would forward my message and still no reply. Not a good way to do business in my opinion.

But again, I can highly recommend this approach to adding subs to a system.
