The Vanguard is made Connecticut, not China. There is nothing wrong with the "voicing" of the Vanguard. It's the best sounding integrated Krell has ever made. While it doesn't have the massive build of the FBI, I'm sorry, it does sound better in EVERY way. It's far more detailed, has a larger soundstage, is much faster, less smear, way less blare and harshness. I repeat, the Vanguard is the best sounding Krell integrated. Some people like to get caught up in specs...but listen to it with open ears.
As an aside, I compared my EV900e monos to the new Solo 575 monos. On paper it's no contest, but when you actually listen, the Solo 575 are far more listenable, have even more control in the bass, much more open and effortless. I even have a recording of EVO vs. Solo, no one has not heard the improvement. I assumed the 50k 900e would be hugely better, but if you listen, and put the specs aside for a minute, Krell has moved forward here. Both the Vanguard and the iBias line of amps are their best sounding gear. I'm a dealer, but I'm also a critical, daily listener and user.