I disagree with Erik’s assertion that "if you can’t integrate 1 sub, you can’t do 2. " As the number of intelligently-distributed subwoofers goes up, not only does the in-room response become smoother, but the specific location of any one sub becomes less critical.
Hi Duke,
I don’t disagree that things get smoother, but if you don’t know what 1 sub will behave like, you have no idea of the second is making things better or worse.
Attempting to set crossover points, and delays for both subs at the same time is a lot of work. Far easier to do after you’ve gauged the overall response of a single sub. The FR response of the OP using two subs was, I think you’d agree, pretty awful. Seeing a single sub’s FR would clarify much.
However, it is clear to you, and other experts that 2 subs are better than 1. :)