Is this nuts?

Ok, have had Usher 8871 for about 3 years. LOVE the sound, love the looks. For some reason (audiophilia nervosa, of course) am having the urge to try the VSA VR4Jr, having heard so much about it. It is a considerably smaller speaker than the 8871, and the WAF would be assuaged by that.

But, given the price diff in msrp (4K vs 8+K) would I be trading down? I know I can get some on trial but to be honest it takes me more than 2-3 days to audition new stuff. A lot more.

Another speaker that I have considered is the Gallo Ref 3 but the WAF is totally in the hole on that one.

BTW, I owned Maggie 3.6 before the Ushers. Yep, WAF again.

Showing 1 response by mcs12948ed3c

Except for having Pamela Anderson come and live with you, nothing makes wives madder than loudspeakers which do not meet with their approval. My wife suffered from audio nervosa with several of my selections, so I understand completely.
The VR4jr's are not going to give you what you have, but are acceptable for most people. Note that they have a hashey upper midrange, odd, given the tweeter which is silk.Owners will decry this characterization, but compared to the Maggie's they aren't close to the 3.6. Trying to make her happy, while sating your audio needs, are polar opposites. The relative boxiness of the Usher's versus the Maggies was acceptable to you? If so, maybe this move will work. Keep in mind you'll lose bass, and dynamics.