Is this rude?

I'm looking to buy the best speakers I can, used, for around $2000. I'm looking at JM Lab Electra 906 or 926, Joseph Audio Rm7si mkII's, and possibly Sonus Faber if I can find a great deal. The only way for me to hear these speakers is to go into high end audio stores and essentially pretend to be interested, already knowing that I won't be buying from them. Is that rude? I just don't see any other way to make an educated decision...

Also, does anyone have any reccomendations as to other brands to check out? I'd prefer floorstanders (the room is about 17 x 13), but I'd be willing to consider large monitors as well.


Showing 1 response by robm321

Sometimes you can find a high end shop that isn't like that. But most are. Usually the hi end shops associated with home theater equipment.

I support the legite honest shops by purchasing through them, unless my budget won't stretch then I'll go audiogon and the other shops (usually pushing 1 or two brands) I'll use them and never buy. Or if they're lucky avoid them all together.

They're just trying to protect their pocket book and doing there job so I don't think it is rude. But I'm trying to protect my pocketbook as well.