The term 'grounding' I think is more often referred to as 'coupling'.
Mikelavigne's is a good general description. A couple more thoughts. Spiking (coupling) a rack or platforms to a rack..or speakers to the floor often shines when what you're spiking to has very large a concrete floor.
I never completely grasped the bearing-isolation approach, though I haven't looked into it much either, as the isolation may work well in the horizontal plane, but with respect to vertical...they should transmit vibration very well, which rubs against 'isolation'. Maybe I'm missing something with them.
Within the isolation & coupling schools there are the 'light & stiff' school and the high mass school. Light & stiff results in higher frequency resonances which are easier to tame via additional means. High mass results in lower frequency resonances which are much more difficult to tame, if they can be at all. If you're system is on concrete then maybe the high mass coupling school is the way to go, in combo with select isolation devices. If you're on a suspended floor then maybe the light-stiff school is for you, in combo with select isolation devices. No doubt people mix & match all this, come up with something that looks cool, costs alot, sounds OK, and victory is declared.
If you're looking to rack your equipment & address vibration-resonance for an effective & low dollar, go to the audio aslyum-tweakers board and search "sad balls". The science-demonstration balls are made polynorbornene, a substance known to damp energy(vibration) extremely well. The balls can be ordered from Educational Innovations. Unfortunately you'll have to buy a superball along with each sad ball. Cut each sad ball in half and you'll have isolation 'domes' to put under your equipment. Give the superballs to kids, but not to dogs.
You've already looked into the IKEA Lack-Lyte rack, or are aware of it from another post of yours.
FWIW, I just went through the rack-coupling-isolation phase and assembled a four-shelf Lack rack(<$100). Each rack is spiked to the one below via practice arrow points ($4/dozen). The rack is spiked to a suspended floor via 1.5" spikes (Madisound, $10). Each component sits on sad ball half-domes. This is the light-stiff school approach. Works for me on a number of levels. No doubt you can do better with respect to coupling-isolation, but the $$ vs value-results curve will rise pretty quickly from here.
Keep up the good fight. I'm about an hour north of you or I can send a picture if it'll help.
Mikelavigne's is a good general description. A couple more thoughts. Spiking (coupling) a rack or platforms to a rack..or speakers to the floor often shines when what you're spiking to has very large a concrete floor.
I never completely grasped the bearing-isolation approach, though I haven't looked into it much either, as the isolation may work well in the horizontal plane, but with respect to vertical...they should transmit vibration very well, which rubs against 'isolation'. Maybe I'm missing something with them.
Within the isolation & coupling schools there are the 'light & stiff' school and the high mass school. Light & stiff results in higher frequency resonances which are easier to tame via additional means. High mass results in lower frequency resonances which are much more difficult to tame, if they can be at all. If you're system is on concrete then maybe the high mass coupling school is the way to go, in combo with select isolation devices. If you're on a suspended floor then maybe the light-stiff school is for you, in combo with select isolation devices. No doubt people mix & match all this, come up with something that looks cool, costs alot, sounds OK, and victory is declared.
If you're looking to rack your equipment & address vibration-resonance for an effective & low dollar, go to the audio aslyum-tweakers board and search "sad balls". The science-demonstration balls are made polynorbornene, a substance known to damp energy(vibration) extremely well. The balls can be ordered from Educational Innovations. Unfortunately you'll have to buy a superball along with each sad ball. Cut each sad ball in half and you'll have isolation 'domes' to put under your equipment. Give the superballs to kids, but not to dogs.
You've already looked into the IKEA Lack-Lyte rack, or are aware of it from another post of yours.
FWIW, I just went through the rack-coupling-isolation phase and assembled a four-shelf Lack rack(<$100). Each rack is spiked to the one below via practice arrow points ($4/dozen). The rack is spiked to a suspended floor via 1.5" spikes (Madisound, $10). Each component sits on sad ball half-domes. This is the light-stiff school approach. Works for me on a number of levels. No doubt you can do better with respect to coupling-isolation, but the $$ vs value-results curve will rise pretty quickly from here.
Keep up the good fight. I'm about an hour north of you or I can send a picture if it'll help.