Isoclean fuses: definitely worth it

I just installed Isoclean fuses in my Naim CD5x and Nait5i. I sort of felt like I was going to the fringe by installing these but keep in mind they are right in the AC path so it made sense to me after installing a dedicated line and an "audiophile grade" AC receptacle.

I tried Buss ceramic fuses beforehand and they were just slightly better than stock.

The Isocleans, however, definitely provided a noticeable improvement over stock or Buss ceramics. In a nutshell: smoother treble, a touch more overall resolution (especially in the mids and treble) and elimination of a bit of grain and veiling. Polarity does matter. I checked a few times to verify but arrow down for my equipment was more natural (less bright) than arrow up. You may prefer the other polarity, of course. Note that they didn't affect rhythm as many products do (especially a lot of isolation devices) nor did they add any brightness (at least in the polarity I prefer).

They're not cheap for what they are ($25 per fuse) but the improvement was definitely worth $50 total investment to me.
I have been following this and similar threads about which fuse is best, and most often feel I'm reading a re-run of power cables from five years ago. Of course fuses make a difference, as do other components we have not yet thought of. Both fuses are a great improvement from standard Radio Shack Littlefuse... Of course personal experiences will differ based on equipment used, power cords, dedicated circuit design, conditioners, outlets... Every step in the power supply chain has an effect, and the quantitative sum of these efforts will be the net result. Isoclean may better HF tuning or not. The argument is mute until you understand the entire chain of affecting components.

Why must we always be right?

How about this, fuses make a difference, it's logical and the degree of affect will vary so try both, and choose for yourself. They both cost $25-30, so they both have 1000x mark-up, so does everything audio!

What I would like to have discussed is the fact that Isoclean claims (in the owners manual) you will need to replace their fuse every six months due to degradation of the fuse. Is this true with HF Tuning literature too? Does this not concern anyone using Isoclean?

You do made a valid point, though I am less certain the trasportation, etc., could wholly account for that much difference. I do ackowledge however that I might have over-reacted; and feel sorry if in anyway I might have appear to have been dis-respectful in forcing my own opinion upon you. That's not my intention, but I do feel the way those Isoclean Chinamen price their products are bordering on dishonesty; or looking for fools; and I do have a strong distaste for that. You are an open-minded person and I am glad I learn something from you with this discussion.
"...I feel sorry if in anyway I might have appear to have been dis-respectful in forcing my own opinion upon you. That's not my intention, but I do feel the way those Isoclean Chinamen price their products are bordering on dishonesty; or looking for fools..."

Thanks for not forcing your opinions on us. :-)
JD, Thank you for bringing up the important point about IsoClean recommending replacement every 6 months or 7500 miles whichever comes first. OK, I embellished a little. I just finished doing the 6 month oil change on my car. I did not see that information on the web site so I am glad you brought it to my attention.

I have three amps with 6 fuses each. Only 5 are sizes that IsoClean makes. A dealer recommended only replacing the main 8A fuse but even that requires me to remove an amp from the system and take the top off. Three amps equals three times the expense, three times the labor -- every six months----no thank you.
hi JD, all that you get for "literature" that comes with the HF Tuning fuses is a little piece of paper that has a name of the company and web site address. No instruction manual. No mention of fuse degradation. This sounds weird to me that the Isoclean fuses need to be replaced every 6 months. Glad I didn't get them and went with HiFi Tuning instead.