Isolation platforms for Cube Audio Jazzon speakers

Townshend platforms are clearly excellent, but are there any more affordable alternatives?  I can't drill into the bottom of the speakers.  At the moment, I have the speakers on MDF pieces of wood supported on the corners with rubber/foam/rubber clad pads and really have no complaints, but I know how much SQ improvement I got with Iso-Acoustics GAIA footers under my Spatial Audio speakers, but have no way to mount them on the open bottom of the Jazzon speakers.  Thanks for any suggestions.


Showing 2 responses by chayro

What about symposium?  No drilling, but no guarantee you’ll like the sound better than what you have. Did you ever try them sitting on the floor without a platform?  

I looked up your speakers and they have spikes on the bottom to keep them off the floor, correct?  Symposium platforms are stainless steel, so you would have to use a disk under the spikes. Look up Symposium Svelte Shelf and you’ll find it. That aside, do you find that raising the speakers up on a platform improves the sound?  I’ve met so many people who knee jerk into putting platforms and footers under everything and it’s not always an improvement IMO.