Isolation transformer question

I know people who say they have bad power, and want to buy an isolation transformer.

When it comes to audio improvements, what will an isolation transformer do that all of the transformers in your gear aren't already doing?

(I'm not talking about "power conditioners" which include many things like filter capacitors, inductors, and so on)


I found just messing around that feeding the ESL bias supplies from the lowest power PS Audio regenerator does make a small improvement in sonics. Years ago I tried 6 different power cords on my then SL M1 speakers (before I bought the present PX845s), and I heard differences with SQ having no relation to the cost of the power cords. In fact, the OEM SL power cords (basically 14ga hardware store types) were 2nd best of the 6. Go figure. Any noise inherent to the bias supplies can potentially move the diaphragms, much as spurious motion of a cantilever can also cause distortion.

@clustrocasual Isolation transformers are incapable of cleaning up AC power. They can provide isolation, which is useful for solving ground loop problems, but they can actually add to AC power distortion.

It is AC power distortion which causes some of the ills that people seek to solve with conditioners. In particular, the 5th harmonic of the AC line (so 300Hz in the US) causes power transformers to become noisy, power rectifiers to radiate noise and synchronous motors more likely to run in the wrong direction; all with greater heat.

If you run any transformer past 50% of its rating, the distortion will rise and things like the 5th harmonic show up. Here's a nice link to show you what goes on.


The only time I had intrusive hum on the Plitron within my BPT was when I had an over voltage situation with my provider, 125-126V. I also had noisy power trans. in my Art Audio 845 and Coincident 845 amps, I ended up building bucking trans. to quiet those (no amps ever on PC for me).


I also have experience with battery vs AC powered equipment, had Nirvana Electronic Works SS class A amp which ran off 4 wheelchair 12v batteries, Merlin speakers back in the day run a BAM (essentially a preamp, rechargeable batteries), and experimented with battery vs AC power for preamps, dacs. I'd posit if going battery, Stromtank level of design and build quality  may be necessary.


Large capacity transformer in PC and only run front end equipment off PC, no issue with saturation. No doubt grounding is an issue, I completely redid grounding in my house, no more ground loops with potential issues resolved.


@lewm pointed out the difference between these types of PC, this is consequential.

@testpilot I'm skeptical there's any benefit if the equipment you're using has a competent grounding scheme. You always have the issue of pushing any isolation transformer past 50% of its rating- that does not change with balanced power.

A good balanced transformer will have an electrostatic shield which any good regular isolation transformer will too; electrostatic shielding is a really good thing- it prevents capacitive coupling between the primary and secondary windings, which in turn vastly reduces high frequency noise from getting through. I'm curious if this might actually be a larger portion of the 'benefit' people perceive when they go to balanced power.