It comes with a balance knob?!?! I'll take it!

...said no one ever! I've been researching new gear and it hit me. Why, just why, do pieces have a balance knob? The only time in my life I can remember using said knob was to mess with the music and irritate my friends. You know, because it was cool to make every song sound like that classic Led Zep track. I think it was the 80's and on my Sanyo "boom box".

What is the point? To look retro? Do people actually use it and why?

Thought this might be fun to discuss and learn something new.


Like many here, my hearing is less acute in one ear than the other. Without a balance control the stereo image is always naggingly off center to me.

My Conrad Johnson Classic 2se has no Balance , it was the first component I've owned without....never needed it sitting in the middle.   My Zesto Leto has it ,  only used it while troubleshooting a noise.....    The Zesto Leto Ultra did away with Balance altogether.     My DAC has Balance , again only used it during troubleshooting separate level controls qualify, or is that even more 'retro' or 'sota' sorta' ?  

Is it possible to have too many?  Pre-, post-, even at the amps?

Lol, I remember my first high end pre amp ... it had just a few knobs, as was the trend, but it still had a balance knob. I was used to balance knobs that would ’move’ the sound from full left to full right. This one didn’t. I thought I heard a teenie tiny difference on my Magnepan speakers between full left or full right, but I couldn’t even tell for sure.

Not that I planned on using the balance knob, but with new equipment I wanted things to work and not be broken. I called the dealer. He called the manufacturer. I sent the unit in for measurement, under guarantee. It was gone 6 weeks. It came back with a measurement report ... all was well ... the difference was 2 dB, as intended!

2 dB ... the border of what is humanly detectable ... lol ... that's what I call 'fine tuning'. Why not leave that knob off? I has been in the middle ... for 30 years now ... the amp is still perfectly balanced.

Summarising, balance adjustment is useful to correct

*hearing deficiencies

*room deficiencies

*small output differences in phone cartridges

*speaker placement issues

*tube/valve output differences

*adjusting position of sweet spot

*channel verification


Balance control need not degrade sound any more than a volume pot if the amp is configured dual mono with a knob for each channel.


Story ends.