Items for sale without remotes.

Believe what you like and Buyer beware.   Most that live in cities of any size have pawn shops.  AudiogoN seems to have very few items for sale without remotes, but a few.  ebay and pawn shops have many items being sold without remotes.  If you choose to believe that audiophiles are forgetful slobs that loose remotes routienly, then good for you.  However I have never bought a used piece of high end audio gear without remotes and have never sold one that way either.   And it you believe that nicer high end items are never stolen, then I have an island in NYC I would like to sell you, and a used Porsche Speedster that a little old lady only drove to church on Sundays. 
This is an interesting topic.  I have been seeing a ton of stuff being put up for sale by TMR Audio without remotes.  Even more expensive stuff.  But I agree with whatjd.  Any audiophile who loses a remote is just stupid.  What sort of events lead to something like this?  One idea that comes to mind is stolen equipment.
This issue was discussed in 2018 in the following thread, which you also started:

My comment in that thread:

One reason a seller may not have the remote, at least in the case of an older piece, is that at some point in the past he or she may have left its batteries in too long and they leaked. Which might have created such a mess on the terminals and elsewhere inside that it was thrown out.

Another possibility is that a remote was discarded simply because it no longer worked, and the owner chose not to replace it. Or the receiving transducer or related circuitry in the component no longer worked, and the owner erroneously assumed that the remote itself was at fault.

Although it hasn’t happened to me too often, over the years I have experienced multiple failures of both remotes and the related receiving circuitry in components.

-- Al

I've lost remotes, broken remotes, and had remotes stop working. Never lost a main system remote, but I tend to not use the remotes in secondary or small room systems, and they can disappear after months or years...