Its all in the DAC?

Hello All,
I currently own a Pioneer Elite DV45a. The DAC in the Pioneer sounds grainy in my system. When I use it as transport only to my B&K ref 50, the sound quality and stage opens up and sounds much better. I use my system for both 2 channel and HT. I am considering a reference quality CD palyer; but it seems to me that the quality of the sound is really in the DAC and not the transport. As long as the DAC can discern between 1 and 0 from the transport and the clocks are in sync between the transport and the DAC, which should be the case for most modern CD players, I should be able to get reference quality sound by just adding a high quality DAC to my system. If there is any jitter in the system at all, the DAC should have enough de-jitter buffer space to take care of it. Do you agree?

Showing 1 response by phild

Hi Tfee, the DAC is important, but the transport is equally important. The actual DAC chips in that Pioneer unit are good...the problems are due to the cheap parts and crappy implementation. If the DAC or transport you replace it with is not better in those areas, the sound will not improve much. People like Ric Schultz (from modify those players. They make changes to many of the half-assed aspects of the transport, DAC, power supply, circuitry, etc. and turn them into completely different sounding players (with the exact same features).

As far as the tranport goes...if it's not good, it may turn a 0 into a 1, or vice versa, and I imagine jitter does the same thing. THe better the transport, the more 1's and 0's it will read correctly.